How to Help Someone with Depression [Without Medication]

Tasmia Sharmin
8 min readApr 10, 2022
How to Help Someone with Depression [Without Medication]
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Depression is a very real and painful illness. And while medications can be helpful, they can also have some severe side effects.

If you know someone who doesn’t feel like taking a pill every day, there are a few things that you can do to help someone who suffers from depression.

What do we understand by depression?

Well, you have to know that depression is a mental illness, and it’s not the same as sadness. It usually goes with other mental conditions such as an eating disorder or substance abuse, but many things, including trauma can cause it.

Depression occurs when people feel down, unmotivated, and sad for long periods of time.

It’s important to understand that the person suffering from depression may not be aware of their depression.

How to Help Someone with Depression Without Medication

How to Help Someone with Depression Without Medication
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

There are a lot of different ways to help someone who suffers from depression. Here are five of the best.

Support Them with Mental Health Counseling

Mental health counseling can be an excellent option for someone who has depression. While medications may be necessary to control the symptoms of depression, mental health counseling can help improve the person’s mood.

Counseling may be offered in a group setting or by a counselor specializing in treating depression. Either way, it can be a great option for someone who doesn’t feel like taking medication.

Be There for Them

One of the most complex parts of dealing with depression is feeling alone. And if your loved one doesn’t feel like talking to anyone, you may feel a little left out.

So try and be there for them. Try and keep the lines of communication open. If you notice that they aren’t doing well, you can talk to them about their situation. They may not even realize that they are depressed.

Take Care of Them

Depression can lead to weight loss, sleep issues, and other physical problems. And if your loved one isn’t eating or sleeping well, they may not be doing so well either.

Take care of them. Make sure that they are eating well and getting enough rest. This can help to prevent any physical problems that may come from depression.

Keep Them Busy

Another thing that helps keep someone busy is keeping them occupied with a hobby. The idea here is to distract them from their depression and help them to feel better.

This can also help keep them off the internet, which can sometimes trigger them. So try and keep them away from the computer as much as possible.

Get them outside.

Depression can make it hard for your loved one to go outside. They may be afraid to interact with other people or feel a little nervous.

So try to get them outside as often as possible. They may not realize that they are depressed, but they may feel a little happier just by being outside.

The holidays are a great time to give back to those that need it most.

What are the leading causes of depression?

Depression is more than just a temporary sadness. It can have severe consequences in terms of health and safety.

While some people experience sadness or loss, depression is a mood disorder, and it can have a significant negative impact on daily life.

Depression affects a person’s ability to sleep, eat, focus, and even function usually. There are many signs of depression, ranging from lethargy to feelings of hopelessness or guilt to insomnia or suicidal thoughts.

These are not to be taken lightly and should be addressed immediately.

Causes of depression are-

  • Being away from family and loved ones
  • Lack of sleep and bad eating habits
  • Physical ailments
  • Absence of good relationships with people
  • Lack of social activities
  • Feeling that your life is meaningless
  • Feeling like your friends don’t really care about you.
  • Losing your friends.
  • Feeling that people will never understand you.
  • Job-related stress
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Too much pressure and loneliness
  • Bad work/home life balance
  • Lack of confidence
  • Financial problems
  • Low self-esteem
  • The list goes on…

How to motivate someone who is severely depressed?

How to Help Someone with Depression Without Medication
Photo by alex bracken on Unsplash

Depressed people are already lacking in motivation. When a person is depressed, they may not care about anything outside of their feelings. For example, if someone is depressed, they might be unmotivated to clean up their room or take care of another person’s relationship. To motivate them, it may be necessary to remove some of the obstacles to completing the task.

Some studies have shown that people with depression can become more successful if motivated to work toward positive goals (like improving their self-esteem or getting better treatment for their condition). According to Dr. James Pennebaker of the University of Texas, those with high self-esteem and motivated to achieve positive outcomes may be more likely to succeed than those with low self-esteem.

Many people are afraid of making themselves vulnerable, but sometimes there are just no other options left. It would be best if you did everything in your power to help them.

You need to talk to them. And if they do not feel like talking, you need to listen to them. You should give them your love, time, care, and most of all, your respect. You need to respect their wishes and help them even if they do not want to be helped.

A person who is depressed has lost hope. You have to show them that there is life outside of their depression. You can do this by telling them about a bright future, or you can do it through the use of humor.

FAQs about depression

Q: What to say to someone who is feeling depressed?

Answer: One of the best ways to help someone who is depressed is to acknowledge their feelings. This can include saying something like, “I know it sounds hard to understand, but I have to tell you that I get that you feel this way.”

Expressing empathy and understanding can help people move past what feels overwhelming and into action. If the person is talking to you, acknowledge the feelings you hear. This simple act of acknowledging someone else’s feelings can be a huge confidence booster. It can also encourage someone struggling to believe that someone cares about them.

So, If you’re talking to someone who feels like life isn’t worth living, here are some things to say to help that person feel better.

1) Don’t minimize how bad you feel. It may be tough to listen to. But if you are the only one who’s willing to put in the effort to make them feel better, it’s worth it.

2) Show empathy. Express what you’ve been feeling. And then offer to help.

3) Give practical suggestions for making their life better.

4) Ask open-ended questions that allow them to talk about their situation.

5) Let them know that you want to hear how they’re doing.

6) When they finish, reflect on what you’ve learned about them. You might even be surprised by what you learn.

Q: What are the 3 basic approaches to treating depression?

Answer: Many people suffer from depression. Depression affects approximately 20 percent of the population at some point in their lives and has been reported to be the second leading cause of disability worldwide.

With this in mind, there are three basic ways to treat depression:

  • Behavioral therapy,
  • Medication,
  • And complementary/alternative therapies.

Behavioral therapy is the most common treatment. It aims to teach patients skills and strategies to combat depressive thoughts and behaviors and help them deal with negative emotions. Some examples of techniques include learning how to identify and change negative thinking patterns, identifying and changing maladaptive behaviors, and managing one’s environment.

Medications are prescribed to help relieve symptoms. They may not affect the underlying cause of depression.

Complementary treatments involve natural and alternative therapies. These are meant to help complement the treatment from the doctor.

Q: What are the most constructive ways of communicating with a depressed person?

Answer: Sometimes, people need a little encouragement or advice to feel better. Depression isn’t something that should be taken lightly. It needs to be addressed, treated, and cured. But the problem is that many people who are depressed don’t want to talk about it. They’re afraid of being seen as weak or defective. They also might not want to burden the people around them, thinking they’ll think they’re responsible for it. So they hide it. They feel guilty about it. They feel ashamed. And then they feel even worse. So how can you help someone who is depressed? There are simple ways:

1. Listen without judgment. Just listen. Please don’t say anything unless they want to talk. People who are depressed often aren’t very verbal, and you can allow them to open up and speak about themselves. They may have a lot to say.

2. Avoid over-focusing on their symptoms. Instead, focus on their strengths. People who are depressed often have a hard time concentrating on the positives in their life. It’s easy to think about their problems instead. Help them recognize their good qualities, whether it’s something they’ve accomplished or some character trait that makes them who they are.

3. Encourage them to share what they’re feeling. People who are depressed often feel worthless or that no one cares about them. They might be convinced that they’re the only ones who feel that way and that everyone else seems to be happy. Encourage them to share their feelings.

Q: How can I prevent depression?

Answer: If you’re already suffering from it, what can you do to help? Here are some suggestions:

1) Get a physical examination to ensure no physical reason for your depression.

2) Learn more about the stages of grief. The stages help you understand what happens after loss and how you should deal with it.

3) If your depression has a cause, find out what caused it.

4) Make changes if needed: if you’ve changed jobs, moved cities, or left a relationship, take time to adjust to the change.

5) Learn more about stress management and get support for it.

6) Get plenty of rest.

7) Exercise. A study by the National Institute of Mental Health found that exercise helped people feel better by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Final words…

In conclusion, When someone has depression, we want to help them immediately — we want to “fix” them or “make them better.” This is a challenging thing to do. While medications may be necessary, they’re only one part of the overall picture. It’s also imperative to know what you don’t know. You must educate yourself on what’s happening inside your loved one’s mind and how to best deal with it. Read more about depression here.

Feeling Depressed? Here are 10 Ways to Get Out of the Funk

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Tasmia Sharmin

Mother, wife, writer, SEO specialist. Crafting words that captivate and conquer search engine rankings. Join my journey! 📝✨